Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad Alta Specializzazione – ISMETT
PalermoVarious works related to the area 2-Staff Lounge and waiting rooms, internal areas of ISMETT, external staircase and elevator.
Various works related to the area 2-Staff Lounge and waiting rooms, internal areas of ISMETT, external staircase and elevator.
DiscoverProject and installation of electrical systems, transformers and switchboards of the New Ikea Store of Pisa, Navicelli.
DiscoverGFF Impianti s.r.l. was founded in 1993 by two brothers, Alessandro and Dario Giuffrida who could count on a thirty-year paternal experience in electromechanical constructions.
Our company is specialized in the design, realization, maintenance and management of electrical and Technological Systems for the industrial and service sector.
We are specialized in the development of electrical systems for both commercial and industrial venues, and we have developed excellent design and executional skills. Such skills allow GFF to design and realize complex works in an integrated and coordinated way, and in short amount of time.
GFF Impianti s.r.l. offers a technical staff made of engineers and a full time qualified personnel that deals with the design and the execution of the projects with the maximun attention, towards the client’s needs and respecting the contractual times. The company is qualified for design and realization until VIII rank.
The high qualifications of the employees and technicians, and also the availability of modern and efficient Equipment and vehicles, allow the company to assure to the customer – public and private - high qualitative standards in the design and realization of the systems. The Customer is supported in the various phases of the project, from the design phase, to the fulfilment of the necessary paperwork, until the electrical system is totally completed.
GFF Impianti s.r.l. aims for technological innovation in the realization of electrical systems, investing both in the updating and training of its technicians and employees, with the purpose of answering the ever-changing needs of both the national and international market.
The big experience gained during the realization of Malls, Industrial Warehouses, Hospital, Universities and big structures requiring advanced design and technical skills, makes our company very competitive
in the execution of big works in limited amount of times. We are on the market as General Contractors and we offer our clients a full-coverage management service, full maintenance and first aid services with experienced personnel. All of these characteristics allow GFF to solve every request.
The company has the ISO 9001 certification for the installation, management, direction and maintenance of various systems like: Electrical and Photovoltaic Systems, Fire Prevention systems, Technological Systems, the construction and the maintenance of civil buildings. GFF Impianti also has all the relevant certifications attesting high qualifications to operate in different fields like.
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Various works related to the area 2-Staff Lounge and waiting rooms, internal areas of ISMETT, external staircase and elevator.
DiscoverProject and installation of the General Switchboardsand the Electrical Switching Generator Panel in the P.O. Rodolico.
DiscoverProject and installation of electrical systems, transformers and switchboards of the New Ikea Store of Pisa, Navicelli.
DiscoverIkea Store of Catania: project and installation of electrical systems, transformers and switchboards of the New Ikea Store of Catania, in Buttaceto, contrada Passo del Cavaliere. Project and installation of electrical systems, transformers and switchboards of the New Ikea Store of Catania, in Buttaceto, contrada Passo del Cavaliere.
DiscoverExecution of the reconversion of the Legal Medicine institute assigned for Political Science Faculty.
DiscoverDesign and installation of the totally integrated photovoltaic system (990 kWp) on the roof of the sheds.
DiscoverDesign and installation of electrical and special systems, air-conditioning system and fire systems, for the shopping center “Centro Sicilia” located in contrada Cubba Mistrebianco (Prov. CT). Realization of lighting external System.
DiscoverRealization of the Electrical substation MV/LV, the Electrical Panels, the Electrical and Special systems, the technological plants and the plumbing system.