IKEA STORE di Catania

Catania | Category:

Ikea Store of Catania: project and installation of electrical systems, transformers and switchboards of the New Ikea Store of Catania, in Buttaceto, contrada Passo del Cavaliere.

Project and installation of electrical systems, transformers and switchboards of the New Ikea Store of Catania, in Buttaceto, contrada Passo del Cavaliere.

IKEA STORE di Catania

Altri lavori

Università degli Studi di Catania

Università degli Studi di Catania


Execution of the reconversion of the Legal Medicine institute assigned for Political Science Faculty.

Centro Commerciale “La Drupe”

Centro Commerciale “La Drupe”

Bronte (CT)

Realization of the Electrical substation MV/LV, the Electrical Panels, the Electrical and Special systems, the technological plants and the plumbing system.

IKEA STORE di Catania

IKEA STORE di Catania


Ikea Store of Catania: project and installation of electrical systems, transformers and switchboards of the New Ikea Store of Catania, in Buttaceto, contrada Passo del Cavaliere. Project and installation of electrical systems, transformers and switchboards of the New Ikea Store of Catania, in Buttaceto, contrada Passo del Cavaliere.

Azienda Ospedaliero – Universitaria “Policlinico Vittorio Emanuele

Azienda Ospedaliero – Universitaria “Policlinico Vittorio Emanuele


Project and installation of the General Switchboardsand the Electrical Switching Generator Panel in the P.O. Rodolico.

Centro Sicilia

Centro Sicilia

C.da Cubba – Tenutella / Misterbianco (CT)

Design and installation of electrical and special systems, air-conditioning system and fire systems, for the shopping center “Centro Sicilia” located in contrada Cubba Mistrebianco (Prov. CT). Realization of lighting external System.

Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad Alta Specializzazione – ISMETT

Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad Alta Specializzazione – ISMETT


Various works related to the area 2-Staff Lounge and waiting rooms, internal areas of ISMETT, external staircase and elevator.

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